About us

Svante Strand
Daily leader Newland Norway
Svante Strand is the owner and expedition leader of Newland AS. Svante is a qualified engineer, who trained at Trondheim School of Engineering. After studying, he completed his first year of military service as a parachutist, and the next seven years in the Special Forces in Norway and abroad.

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Helen Turton
Daily leader Newland UK
Helen Turton runs our office in the UK, and has more experience than most women (and men) when it comes to expeditions and tours. She has experience from Africa's west coast to the North Pole sea ice, and Antarctica's endless snowy plateau and extreme conditions.

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Kjell Erik
Polar guide
I feel at home in any kind of wilderness, whether it is in deep jungles of Borneo, in the thin air at the summit of Aconcagua, or in dark cold of Svalbard.
I freeze very easily, but still I love the cold. Along the way I have learned a few tricks on how to keep warm, and I would love to pass these tricks on to others.

Sjur Mørdre
Polar guide
One of Norway's greatest names in polar expeditions, who is working as a ‘guest guide' for Newland. Sjur has the most experience of Greenland icecap crossings in the world, and also many full-scale trips skiing to both the South Pole and North Pole.

Bjørn Moa

Polar guide
Bjorn is a man who has impressed Newland on more than one occasion. The list is long, both with experience, expeditions and his background. A welcome addition to the Newland family.

Marit Øvstedal

Polar guide
Marit has traveled the world, but seems to thrive best in remote areas. She has spent a full winter in Antarctica and now lives in Svalbard, where she guides all year around. She is in her element when she gets to share her enthusiasm for snow ice and wildlife.

>> Why choose Newland AS?